Ronnie Landis dives deep into the the life force principles of Chinese medicine that was made famous by the branch of taoist tonic herbalism. This system of herbal medicine has a core philosophical approach called The Three Treasures. This is the most important and most powerful philosophy on health of all medical systems, ancient and modern. You will learn more than you thought you knew and this episode could change the way you look at health and longevity forever.
Excerpt from the book, The Addiction Free Lifestyle: The True Path To Inner Freedom & Self Mastery, Ronnie Landis (Release late 2020)
“Pornography, by its very nature, is an equal opportunity toxin. It damages the viewer, the performer, and the spouses and the children of the viewers and the performers. It is toxic mis-education about sex and relationships. It is more toxic the more you consume.”
Dr. Mary Anne Layden
So, this leads us to a topic among all topics in the rolodex of addictions and one that tends to reside below the surface of our awareness whereas the others tend to get the front row and center stage position. Pornography, for many men in particular, is the great elephant in the room and the single hardest addiction to crack where all else is rather child’s play in comparison and contrast. Pornography rides in parallel to the virtual reality stimulatory addiction of entertainment, mainstream media, and social media but has far...
The Five Yama’s of Yoga
“Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
Ramana Maharshi
It has been my experience and observation that most of the world does not necessarily suffer from an Attention Deficit Disorder as much as an Intention Deficit Disorder. The intention for most people is simply to get by, to have just what they need, or worse is to simply survive. This kind of daily intention for one’s life emits a very weak frequency from the human body that attracts people, places, situations, and foods that maintain a low vibrational pulse for life. When we place our attention on our intention all of a sudden we begin to express a strong vibrational pulse, we begin to feel better, we light up more, and the people around us begin to light us as well. This is not by mistake or some kind of mystical phenomena, it is based entirely on the power of our intention.
I have found what is called the Five Yama’s derived from the...
The entire field of nutrition could be simplified into biological mineralogy, the study of minerals as biological catalysts. Every biochemical, digestive, neurological, enzymatic, stem cell, and regenerative function of the body is reliant on the presence of minerals. If one studies minerals long enough they will bypass a lot of the hype and confusion left over from an endless graveyard of theoretical diets. If you know exactly which minerals dominant a certain food than you will further understand what that food does and is capable of helping you do. When the correct minerals are present the correct gene sequences take place. When we are running a deficit of key minerals, especially trace minerals, epigenetic switches that promote longevity remain inert and degeneration sets in.
Each mineral carries it’s own resonate frequency signature that cannot be emulated, duplicated, or mimicked by any other mineral. In addition each mineral activates capabilities in the human body that...
What is Acid Reflux?
Acid Reflux also known as GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a condition that arises from digestive acids rising from the ball of the stomach into the thin tube of our esophagus(food-pipe). This causes the esophagus lining to become irritated by the influx of acids. The inner lining of our stomach contains protective-mucosa-layers that resist corrosive damage from stomach acid. The esophagus does not contain this lining and can result in damaged function upon continual acid exposure. The term “heart-burn” is a direct result of this condition as our esophagus resides directly behind our heart.
The conventional theory is that the backup of acid is based on our body producing too much hydrochloric acid(HCL). This appears to be false as acid reflux has been found to be the result of not producing enough HCL. At the bottom of the esophagus there is a muscle called the esophageal sphincter. The design of this muscle is to relax during the process of...
Food Allergies
A fundamental concept to understand is food allergies or food sensitivities. This is becoming a wide spread epidemic in our modern culture, almost 1 out of 3 people I meet have some form of irritation to a common food. If not identified and addressed early on this can create an open door to various conditions such as irritable gut syndrome, leaky gut, frequent constipation, brain fog, head aches, skin reactions, arthritic conditions, candida(fungal growth), and in prolonged cases can cause auto immune conditions.
The most common food allergies are conventional wheat(gluten), soy, corn, sea food, refined sugar, peanuts, and dairy products. The beauty of transitioning into a living foods lifestyle is you automatically eliminate these common food allergens. The process of removing these food groups from the diet for good is easier for some and more difficult for others. There is a paradox in our food culture which is many people, if not most are physiologically and...
Through my health exploration I was exposed to one of the greatest discoveries in the natural healing field, which is that of fungi, otherwise known as medicinal mushrooms. The term medicinal mushrooms speaks to a category of herbs in differing medicinal systems, most notably the East Asian systems of herbalism. The most commonly known mushroom for most of us is a button-mushroom(agaricus bisporus) which we all have had on our pizza or purchased in the grocery store. This is a ground mushroom and does not fit into this specific classification of fungi. Medicinal mushrooms are the noble representatives of the fungi kingdom which have been revered for their rare characteristics through out history.
Medicinal mushrooms display themselves in nature much differently than any other organism, in fact, they do not fit into any other category of plants(vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts). They are in a league of their own. When we speak of medicinal mushrooms we are speacking...
The Lymphatic System
The most commonly associated medium for circulation in the body is through our blood via the arteries and veins. Less commonly focused upon is the lymphatic system. It is sometimes explained that if our bodies were like a city, then the lymphatic system would be the garbage company, sewage system, and police force all comprised into one system. The lymphatic system is composed of organs, ducts, and nodes that assist in the transportation of lymph fluid released from our blood plasma and recycles it back into the blood. This fluid helps with the circulation of blood in order to drain fluids from the cells and bodily tissues along with sending out immune cells through out the body. The blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells while the lymph fluid removes waste products from the cells. If you can imagine a natural river washing away trash, then apply this same concept to our bodies. The lymph is bathing our cells and washing the...
Reishi(Ganoderma lucidum) may be the most revered and cherished herb in the entire world, especially in the Chinese herbal lineage. This mushroom has carried many titles such as “The Great Protector”, “The Herb of Fortune”, “The Herb of Immortality”, and “The Spirit Mushroom”. The Taoist monks believe reishi was the “elixir of immortality” increasing and enhancing our spiritual growth, the “shen” energy. It has been a central tool in the Chinese herbal system for more then 2,000 years and is depicted in various forms of Chinese artistry. The legends and lore surrounding reishi in China dating back thousands of years ago speak of magicians and alchemists who claimed to know the secret location of this mushroom and proclaiming it’s magical powers for those who sought it out. In the 1st-2nd century Shennong Bencao Jing, otherwise known as the “Spirit Farmer” categorized reishi into six categories...
Science Vs Scientism
“Wonder has never been absent from science, but it disappears when we turn science into something mechanical.”
William Byers
Scientism is the clever use of the language, tools, and principles of science in order to create the appearance of science but in actuality it has very little to do with authentic and unbiased scientific inquiry. It is essentially a scientific religion that seeks to create perceived certainty in order to eliminate uncertainty and unknown variables in any given context as a way to silence curiosity, inquisitiveness, and further questioning beyond it’s capacity to explain away the matter at hand. This represents one of the biggest conundrums of our day and age simply because the effects of scientism or scientific materialism on the human psyche are largely what is contributing to the mass level of predicaments we find ourselves in. The entire business of fear, as we have clearly detailed in this chapter, is a...
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