#010: Bethanne Wanamaker: How to Create a Super Food Super Hero Baby!

Integrative Nutrition Strategist & Transformation Coach Ronnie Landis interviews Bethanne Wanamaker. She is the founder of Edible Goddess, Creator of the Chocolate Goldies & Chocolate Gold, and author of multiple raw food and natural beauty recipes books. She lives to inspire you to become the absolute best and healthiest expression of yourself! As a certified holistic nutrition educator, conscious lifestyle expert, and inspirational health speaker, she teaches others how to activate their highest potential and how to use food and lifestyle as the catalyst for a MUCH better life. WHAT WE DISCUSS IN THIS INTERVIEW: WHAT BEING A SELF EMPOWERED "EDIBLE GODDESS" REALLY MEANS VIEWING PREGNANCY AS A RIGHTS OF PASSAGE HOW SHE HAS REMAINED A PROGRESSIVE ENTREPRANUER DURING HER PREGNANCY THE IMPORTANCE OF PRE-CONCENPTION CLEANSING FOR A SUCCCESSFUL PREGNANCY WHY MOST WOMEN HAVE A PAINFUL AND EXAUSTING PREGNANCY EXPERIENCE BIRTHING THE NEW "YOU" IN THE WORLD AND ENJOY THE PROCESS HOW BETHANNE HAS REMAINED ON A HIGH RAW PLANT FOCUSED LIFESTYLE DURING PREGNANCY MOST OF THE "VEGAN" EDUCATION ON PREGNANCY & FOOD IS MISSING THE MARK WHY "PLANT BASED" DOES NOT ALWAYS MEAN "HEALTHY" AND SO MUCH MORE! Bethanne Wanamaker: http://www.ediblegoddess.com Ronnie Landis (Podcast): http://www.ronnie-landis.com The Holistic Health Mastery Program: http://www.holistichealthmastery.com

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