#074: Ayanna Mojica: Discovering Your Money Blueprint

Ayanna Mojica, MFA, Priestess of Power & Wealth™, Entrepreneur, Artist and Humanitarian, inspires you to greater wealth and deeper love. . Divinely inspired by Mary Magdalen, Ms. Mojica implements a New Business Template, which includes Spirit, Wealth, Luxury, Arts, Service and Travel. Fast becoming a dynamic Social Media “Influencer”, Ms. Mojica, an Expert Guest in the documentary film ~ "New Human, New Earth, New Humanity”, passionately advocates on the importance of “Women’s Wealth Creation”. Author of Deep Treasures: Exploring the Dynamic Relationship Between Sex and Money, Ayanna is currently writing, Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Sacred Union. Ayanna Mojica: http://www.ayannamojica.com/home Ronnie Landis: http://www.ronnielandis.net The Holistic Health Mastery Program: http://www.holistichealthmastery.com

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