#076: Roger Drummer: The Bio-Energetics of the Body & Brain Health

Roger Drummer is a NCCAOM Diplomate of Chinese Herbology and a Master Tonic Herbalist. Also a nutritionist and U.S. Patent holder, Roger travels extensively throughout North America and Europe, lecturing on the benefits of natural living and bioenergetics. Roger is the President of Doc Alchemy LLC and co-owner of Herbworks.com where he serves as a product formulator. Herbworks flagship product is TianChi, a powdered anti-stress and energy drink designed for brightening the mind and reducing stress. As well, he consults and teaches about health, herbs and nutrition. Over the past 30 years, Roger’s experience has included formulating personalized tonic herb and nutritional programs for tens of thousands of clients, including many notable celebrities. In addition, Roger is credited with developing a patented process for growing biologically active, anthocyanin rich medicinal mushrooms. Roger Drummer: http://askrogerdrummer.com/healingherbs/ Ronnie Landis: http://www.ronnie-landis.com The Holistic Health Mastery Program: http://www.holistichealthmastery.com

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