093 | Daniel Eisenman: Breaking Normal & Radical Authenticity

Daniel graduated Pre-Med from Emory University with a BS (Key Acronym) in Biology & even took the MCAT about 10 years ago. Before applying to medical school to stay on the path of "NORMAL" as people advised, He decided to "take a year off." That year off has now turned into a decade of #BreakingNormal & getting paid to the do the things he would pay to do. He had a dream to get paid to do the things that he would pay to do, and today that is his reality. He travels the world as a keynote speaker and facilitator of radical retreats and workshops (though he likes to call them playshops, as what's more pure than play?) based on the principles of raw honesty and emotional freedom. He shows you a process of self-acceptance through self-expression by guiding you to lose your mind in order to connect to your heart while truly living inside-out. Daniel Eisenman: http://breakingnormal.tv/ Ronnie Landis: http://www.ronnielandis.net The Holistic Health Mastery Program: http://www.holistichealthmastery.com

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