104 | Amoraea Dreamseed: Awaken Our Inner Mystic & Activating Our Magical Super Powers

Amoraea is an Initiator who holds the mirror up for your Mastery to become visible and transmute hidden aspects you have veiled yourself from. Through 20 years of consistent internal exploration and esoteric education, ‘The Phoenix Code’ has taken shape as an extensive experiential approach to breaking through our false identity and awakening to our Ecstatic Potential as Divine Humans on a dynamic and infinitely evolving journey. Amoraea draws from many ‘Alchemical Arts’ to create a whole-systems transformation in your psyche, soul, heart, and body so that the resurrected new light in you is grounded without old patterns finding root again. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY PAGE | LEAVE A POSITIVE REVIEW TO SUPPORT THE PODCAST Amoraea Dreamseed: http://divine-blueprint.com/ Ronnie Landis: http://www.holistichealthmastery The Holistic Health Mastery Program: http://www.holistichealthmastery.com

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