Ronnie Landis Interview: The School for Human Potential & Visionary Empowerment

This is a very special episode where business and enlightened entrepreneur coach Kylie Slavik interviews Ronnie Landis on the concrete principles of accessing our full human potential and maximizing our life through mastery and integrating the major pillars of life including our mental - emotional - physical - spiritual - financial - entrepreneural - and relational health. If this interview inspires you to begin living your life at a completely different level and embarking on your human potential journey Ronnie has created a special mentorship program unlike anything else available in the world and wants to personally invite you to have a 30-45 minute intimate conversation about your goals, your life path, and how with his support you can reach all of that and so much more through his School for Human Potential and Visionary Empowerment Program. This opportunity is only available for the first 20 people who answer the call so if you feel this call make sure you act right away and use the calendar link below to book a 1 on 1 call with him to explore if this feels like a total match for you and your goals. His schedule is booking up fast so make sure to schedule your call right away! [email protected]

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