180 | Steve Adler PT 1: The Science & Mastery of the Heart-Mind Connection

Steve Adler, M.S., D.D. (Doctor of Divinity), AKA "Sacred Steve", is an ordained minister and chaplain in Spiritis Church. Steve also holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in aerospace engineering from Stanford University. Steve's first career was as a thermosciences engineer working on the design of the propulsion modules on Space Station Freedom. Later, Steve, along with a childhood friend, started NowComp, a computer brokerage company. Initially inspired by Anthony Robbins, Steve’s interest in raw foods grew in the 1990’s culminating in the creation of NatuRAW, an online store focused on the Raw Food lifestyle.Inspired by the works of Glenda Green (www.LoveWithoutEnd.com), Steve’s mission is to teach humanity about the power of the Sacred Heart and the true relationship between the mind and the Sacred Heart. He believes that one powerful stepping stone to empowering the Sacred Heart is through the raw food diet. Steve loves to speak on the subject of his personal spiritual path.

Steve Adler:

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