Making "Sugar" Healthy Again!

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2019

Sugar may be the single most widely consumed food byproduct in human history. The modern day usage of sugar could easily place it on the hierarchy of socially accepted drugs. Sugar addictions are the most pervasive and damaging due to its subtle effects as well as cultural programming. The common consensus is to do sweets in “moderation” and yet the average American consumes his/her body weight in sugar per year. We know that an excessive amount of sugar in the body can lead to osteoporotic conditions, immune system break down, neurological disfunction, and blood sugar imbalances. Hypoglycemia is a condition that occurs when the pancreas responds to an excess of sugar in the blood stream by releasing a large amount of insulin leaving the individual with a fatigue from low blood sugar. This is generally a precursor to diabetes type 2 where the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to compensate for a concentration of sugar in the blood thus wearing out the pancreas.

It’s important to note that the main culprit of sugar induced conditions is refined chemical sugar such as table sugar(sucrose) and corn sugar(high fructose corn syrup). Refined carbohydrates and artificial drinks are all major contributors to the chronic ills of modern civilization. It is clear that sugar is just as habit forming, if not more, as any legal or illegal narcotic in the world today. In the 15th century in Europe refined sugar was originally thought to be a spice but later was used as their common “substance” of choice.

An ancient Ayurvedic tradition for administering herbs known as Chyavanprash incorporates honey as the delivery vehicle for herbal medicine. This is one of the ways we recommend others practice herbalism, by balling up bitter herbs such as holy basil, shilajit, ashwagandha, cats claw, etc with honey. Honey is natures most ideal and original sweetener which is universally therapeutic. The Russians have compiled over 150 years of research experience concluding that honey is a longevity food of the highest order. Honey is the most enzymatically active food that has ever been discovered. Archeologists working in Egyptian tombs uncovered numerous jars of honey that are reported to be over 2,000 years old and they were still good!

It is highly suggested in this book to move away from artificial sweeteners and move in alignment with natural sweeteners such as honey. If someone is dealing with a blood sugar disorder, candida, diabetes, or cancer it is recommended to back off of all sweeteners(even natural ones) for a duration of 2-3 months while increasing alkalinity through green vegetable juicing and herbs.

Bee Pollen: Flower pollen distributed by bees is one of the best additions to ones overall nutrition strategy for balancing and regulating blood sugar levels. Bee pollen has been credited as natures most abundant source of nutrients and protein by weight. Bee pollen can help curve sugar cravings with minimal caloric value. A training strategy I use is re-feeding glycogen(muscular-sugar-storage) with bee pollen mixed with honey during workouts. This helps deliver the necessary sugar to the muscles while driving in amino acids(protein) to aid in recovery, repair, and steady blood sugar.

Stevia(stevia rebaudiana): Stevia products are sugarless sweeteners derived from the ka’a he’e plant of the stevia genus. It’s original usage was as a sweetener for yerba mate elixirs for the Guarani peoples of Paraguay. Due to it’s no-glycemic index it has been recommended for diabetics, those with digestive impairments, and sugar sensitivities. Stevia can make a great addition to cacao elixirs when used appropriately. It is suggested to apply 1/2 a normal dropper of stevia in a 2 serving drink, 1/4 dropper in a 1 serving drink for taste as stevia can be rather potent.

Wild Berries: Berries are natures most perfect fruit compiling a fusion of mild sweetness with abundant packages of nutrients and minerals. Many times sugar-addictions are caused by the depletion of minerals and co-nutrients therefore increasing mineral saturation is important for balanced eating habits. Chocolate and berries have been consumed in tandem for as long as recorded history will allow. Berries are the iconic food choice for indigenous women, especially through the duration of pregnancy as was the white pulpy cacao fruit. Eat plentiful portions of organic berries, preferably wild berries if access to them will allow.


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